About Me

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Ordinary girl from Indonesia. Studying in France to catch my extraordinary dreamto be a professional fashion designer. Just have faith, hope, and believing. Love arts, fashion, painting or drawing, sometimes make some fashion illustration, well, that's all. Hope you like my blog and my stories.

Saturday 15 June 2013

Retelling the same story will never change the end of the story.

it's funny when we want get rid of someone and in the end, all over our brain is just fullabout them. In our dream, in lil thing that pass everyday, everysong, every movie, everything just makes you comeback to some old story that you love but you dont't want to remember it anymore. And when we can finally forget everything, suddenly they comeback, and tell you the same story that makes you remember again everything, and WE,US,YOU, just there do nothing, just let everything might be happend again.
Well, this semestre finally end! and now it's the vacation. But i haven't know yet about my result, I hope will pass fot next year. Now like usual in vacation I'm at my grandparent's house. And I'm so freaking out everytime I saw my weight! I just got 4 kg from the last easter's vacation. So I'm doing exercise every morning and controling a lil bit what I eat. I hope I will lost some for this summe, I'm not anorexic but 4 kg in 2 weeks it's a lil bit too much. And I plan to look for some summer job, like I will not back to Indonesia so I think it's better I get some job. And im's so happy next week my mom, my brother, and my cousin will come to french. I miss them so much, it's going to 6 months we haven't seen each other and finally we can see each other in real life!