About Me

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Ordinary girl from Indonesia. Studying in France to catch my extraordinary dreamto be a professional fashion designer. Just have faith, hope, and believing. Love arts, fashion, painting or drawing, sometimes make some fashion illustration, well, that's all. Hope you like my blog and my stories.

Saturday 16 June 2012

Quotes of the day

Today I had a little convo with mum on skype, talk silly, talk about family, school, and life. Shared some juicy gossip too. hahaha..
and today the main subject is People that has high prestige. I don't understand why does many peps act that they have something to impress somebody but in fact they even don't have that. Or some irony condition, like he has brand new mobile and fancy motorcycle or even car but (no offense) in fact we can see how actually their economy level. I ain't kind people who easily impress with those car, money, or house. I'm kinda people who see from their personality. I hate when there's people just judge everything with somebody's money..:(
 "Sometimes our own 'Prestige' that makes us stuck in a situation"

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